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fields is designed to spotlight writers, musicians, poets, painters, illustrators, and creative types of all stripes, with an emphasis on the up-and-coming and the unsung. We are interested in the everyday people who create and write and make and express themselves in multitudinous ways. fields is about the idiosyncratic pursuits that occupy our time and enrich our lives. Our articles, interviews, and essays are an exploration and celebration of the means by which the human spirit manifests itself.

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editor in chief
Sean Tomas Redmond

managing editor
Serena Solin

Katie Lauren Bruton
Audrey Deng
Althea Lamel
Sunny Leal
Sarah Jane Quillin
Kimmy Whitmer
Kelsey Williams

associate editors
Nia KB
Mariel Lindsay
Tay Marie Lorenzo

Eleanor Eichenbaum
Adam Fales
Carling Hale
Heather Lefebvre
Colore Lincoln
Corrigan Lowe
Jack L. Madock
Nia Tucker

Ivan Alonso
Janina Hartley
Mia Hopkins
Sunny Leal
Sean Tomas Redmond